Posts with the tag Elixir:

Tip for Phoenix 1.3 Fallback Controller error

Just a quick note this time. While working on my Phoenix 1.3 based project, I had a route that was failing and gave me an error about the fallback controller not having a matching clause. Similar to (formatted excerpt): ** (exit) an exception was raised: ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in My route looked to be setup correctly and I couldn’t figure out why I was hitting the fallback controller at all.

Elixir on Windows Subsystem for Linux

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of elixir and phoenix programming while working on some hobby projects. I’m using a phoenix app as my backend server, serving up an API that is consumed by Xamarin.Forms based apps on Android and iOS. On Windows I’ve been using Git Bash (based on MinGW) for a bash shell for a long time and there the interactive elixir shell has had some downsides. In particular, I wasn’t able to get command history with iex working and color output was missing as well.